Giving is a pivotal part of our worship. We thank those who faithfully support the church with their finances.
We give, like many things in the Bible, because it’s an instruction from God. The Jewish Israelites were called to give a tenth of their ‘first fruits’ from their crops (Leviticus 27:30, Proverbs 3:9). Meaning they took 10% of whatever they had grown, produced or reared. We still follow this practice of giving 10% of our earnings back to God today.
As Christians we believe that all the money in the world is God’s and we are called to faithfully steward what He has given us, we give a tenth back to God to show Him that He is first in our lives and we trust that He will sustain us with the other 90%, we call this our tithe.
We also believe that sometimes we’re called to give above our 10%, often what we call an ‘offering’.
The money collected through tithes and offerings goes directly to the mission and ministry of the church. Whether that is paying for the upkeep of our church building, utilities, staff salaries, or community events.
Every donation that the church receives is accounted for and financial statements are readily available for the members of the church through Annual General Meetings. We operate with transparency regarding our finances.
There are a few ways in which you can give.
During our Sunday Service.
Through Standing Order/Direct Debit
Through our online giving portal.
We thank each and every one of our givers and we appreciate your support, whatever you give you are making a difference in the community by supporting the work of Beeston Oasis.